Main Menu

Main Menu 26 Oct 2012

Main Menu for Fri, 26 Oct 2012 00:00:00 -0400

October 26, 2012
This week has been a very exciting week of new technology announcements and new releases in the technology and assistive technology field. And MainMenu is on top of the stories. MainMenu host David Tanner interviews Michael Curran and they discuss the upcoming release of NVDA version 2012 Release 3 and support for Windows 8 both with keyboard access and touch screen access. David then gives us a brief demo of Windows 8 access to some of the new features in Windows 8. We see how accessible much of Windows 8 is, and a few features that have not changed from Windows 7. And, a few tips on using the new Windows 8 environment. It's all on MainMenu this week just for you!!!